For the third time this summer, we went to 6 Flags, but this time we went to the one at Great America in the Chicago area. We're trying to get our money's worth out of our season tickets. We bought 4 season tickets, and we get a coupon book with each one that has certain free days for several different occasions. We had one to bring a friend for free for any non St. Louis 6 Flags, so that's what we used this time around.
This trip was less than stellar. We hit Chicago construction traffic on the way there. It took over an hour to get into the parking lot. Once we got in to the park, it was so crowded that each ride was at least an hour wait, usually two hours, and sometimes even three. This made for a grand total of about 5 rides for the entire time we were there from around 12:00 pm until 10:00 pm. We specifically picked a week day to avoid crowds, but that was obviously a failure. We had heard that some area students had won passes for attendance at school or something, and were probably using them before they expired. So, note to self, avoid going to 6 Flags at Great America in the first few weeks of August.
One last ride: Andrew and Uncle Ronn
Aug 8th,
On Friday, we went to Lincoln Park in Chicago. With 6 kids you look for the free stuff to do.
Aug 8th,
On Friday, we went to Lincoln Park in Chicago. With 6 kids you look for the free stuff to do.
Donna, TJ, Loren, Josh, Andrew and Veronica
Veronica, Andrew, TJ, Loren, Andrea and Donna
On our way home, we went to a Peruvian restaurant called Ay Ay Picante. Estuve muy bien.
Aug 9th,
On Saturday, we went to Chicago and walked around. The highlight for the kids was the Lego Store.
Dinner at the Rain Forest Cafe