Monday, July 13, 2009

E.J. Schaer & Bill Glick Wedding - July 4th, 2009

My friend of many years, Bill Glick, got married to his long time friend and only recently discovered love of his life on July 4th. I had the privilege of both standing up at their wedding and singing two songs. The wedding was a great event, and it was heart warming to see them so happy. The reception afterward was a little damp, but everyone still had a great time.

This is the sand ceremony from the Glick wedding on July 4, 2009. It features Tim Brooks and Jim Barlow performing the song “The Way of Love” by Charlie Peacock and Tom & Nicole Schaer reading 1 Corinthians 13 from the NIV, NLT, and Message translations.

Bill and His Dad

My friend, Jim Barlow, who played guitar

Nice Tux, eh?

J.D. Norcross and Myself

Andrea and I

Bill and E.J.

The Barlow's and the Brooks'

Doug Olson and I

Good cake T.J. ?

The Brooks Clan

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